A family—two parents and two daughters—hug each other, representing a resource offering 20 topics for talking with teens without judgment. The image promotes open communication and understanding between parents and teenagers.

20 Topics for Teens That Parents Need to Address Openly

Writen by Bess T. Lapoint
Mar 19, 2025

Children are surrounded with technology throughout the day, at school, doing homework, socializing with friends, or entertainment, in all spheres tech is woven into their schedules. 

So, it is crucial to build healthy tech boundaries in households where kids and parents can talk openly about, online activities, internet usages, and technological indulgences. 

SummerTech brings you the top 20 topics for teens that parents need to address openly at dinner table conversations.   

Why Should Parents And Teens Be Openly Talk With Each Other? 

A Survey by United Press International in 2024 stated that more than half of Amerial teenagers are spending 4 – 4.5 hours daily on their phones. And it is increasing at an alarming rate and with that are increasing concerns of parents.   

As teens are learning and developing themselves through technology, they should not be enslaved by it. So, it is the core responsibility of parents to guide them and normalize talking about digital security, digital etiquette, data privacy, and making them good Digital Citizens through regular and open tech talks candidly.

Here are 20 Topics for Teens That Parents Need to Discuss Openly and Honestly:

Teens and tweens are living in an internet age where information is fed from both sides but how much is it relevant, how much to consume, where to draw boundaries, and how to convey them. 

As ice breakers there are a few topics to explore for parents to commence open discussions with teenagers. Highly recommendable to involve their interests, aspirations, goals, hobbies, and personal likes in mind before igniting any discussion with children. 

So, parents should create a safe space for their teens and tween at the dining table to express themselves openly without the fear of being judged or misunderstood. But kids will only come forward when parents ensure that they are initiating conversations and creating a safe haven for their children. Could be through activities like taking them to summer camps (to understand the importance of summer camps).  

Let’s discuss the top 20 icebreakers for teens in detail that should be openly discussed between parents and children. 

1. Lifestyle Choices And Healthy Habits:

Include good daily habits and healthy lifestyle in the routine of kids and talk about the advantages attached to them. Starting in the morning as getting up on time, and having breakfast everyday before leaving for school. 

How crucial is a balanced diet, importance of outdoor activities and exercises, and completing sleeping quota each day (at least 8 hours of sleep per day), must be communicated to children to have active consciousness towards all these elements.  

As they say, ‘we learn better and deeper when involved’, exactly, children and parents should participate voluntarily and actively to learn to make mindful choices to contribute  towards healthy habits and happiness. 

Beginning with basics in their daily lives by adding elements of running, interacting with nature on a daily basis, spending time with family members, and socializing with friends to keep the brain and mind at peace. 

2. Body Changes And Emotional Growth: 

Teenages feel shy and parents also feel hesitant to openly discuss the changes happening in the body of children when they hit puberty. The phase in the life of children when they undergo a process of various physical changes, emotional advancements, and mental developments. This is the phase when they are prepared to enter into teenage (tweens to teens) or maturity. 

Most of the teenagers are scared and lost when these changes begin. As they are unaware whom to approach and whom to discuss with. Experiencing these physical and emotional changes so rapidly and in isolation can create anxiety, stress, and if not addressed even depression could be the leading outcome.  

Parents should make sure they make these topics quite normal at the dinner table to let the children open up and talk about the changes as and when they happen. And parents can play an important role in ensuring their kids are confident to talk to their parents, feel comfortable putting forward the weird questions they have, and should feel confident while receiving advice from their parents. 

Overall, parents should convey these sensitive yet crucial topics with immense confidence, honesty, and positivity. Making their kids believe that these physical and emotional changes are normal and everyone at this stage of life goes through them (even can quote their own examples to gain their trust and confidence). 

3. Social Life, Friends, And Peers

‘The life you build is directly proportional to the quality of people whom you spend your time with’. Exactly, these people around children, whether their friends, extended family members, or their peers – they determine the kind of value system, morales, and importance of human connections these kids are going to develop for themselves. 

Parents should encourage their children to talk about their friend circles in the household, and should have the confidence of their parents to invite them over to their house. This is crucial to not know where their children are spending their time but also to keep them safe and around healthy people. 

Academics and school curriculum could be overpowering and overwhelming to take in sometimes. Self-demeaning and self-deteriorating perpetuates when they’re not able to perform as well as their peers academically. 

Parents should remind themselves of their kinds of self-worth and the areas they are stronger than their peers. This boosts their confidence many fold and establishes belief that they are important and their lives are valued.

Also, bringing these topics anywhere where the teenagers feel confident talking about – like while driving you cross paths with a neighbor – can ease them up talking about them and then slowly and gradually laddering up to more complex ones.  Quote some of the past instances where wrong and inappropriate friend circles harmed you and deteriorated your academics.  

Sharing your past experiences builds the strongest of trust and enhances their self-esteem and confidence in self. While sharing encourages teenagers too to open up and share some of their funny, crazy, daily happenings in school and with friends.  

4. Unhealthy habits: Alcohol and Drugs  

Growing up and undergoing body transformation drives teenagers to the edge to try new things, doing crazy activities, and always ready to try something ‘new’. Drugs and alcohol seem ‘fun’ and ‘new’ for teens to try out. 

However, they do not realise the potential damage they commence to cause their bodies, habits, and health. Get easily influenced by peers and get carried away with the flow of modernization. 

Parents should mention certain examples and instances from their lives where how drug, alcohol, and other substance consumption turned their friends’ or someone known lives upside down. This is not to scare them off but to protect them from the damages they could do to themselves when not guided well and at the right time. 

Children look up to their elders and whatever they do seems ‘cool’ and ‘fun’. So parents should preach and teach what they actually practice – that influences their kids and impacts their lives in any sense. 

Even as parents, you should be very clear and transparent about the dangers of these substance (drugs and alcohol) consumption. What all possible scenarios could be there at school, at friends’ place, or at parties. Should call out without hesitation and with attached harmful effects.   

Parents themselves should bring these topics up and warn with directions not to get into these habits of destruction.

5. Digital Life : Cyberbullying and Internet Safety

In the age of digital lifestyle and technology being an integral part of our lives we need to keep monitoring and tracking our digital footprints. It is pivotal to highlight what kind of content to keep and what to not. 

Parents should have an open and honest discussion on topics like ‘digital security of data’, ‘reliability of online content’, ‘accuracy of information received and shared’, ‘digital etiquettes’ and creating a digital haven for the children. 

To help teenagers and adolescents to navigate through the challenges they may encounter while going through the changes within and around themselves. These daily checks with kids help them to make informed decisions on a daily basis in the digital world and keeping their confidence intact and boosting the same. 

Nowadays, digital payments and financial transactions online are an integral part of our routines. In such scenarios, children are excited to try them and order things online. Parents should ensure their children are equipped with right guidance, informed and protected from potential data theft of their own sensitive information. 

Maintaining data privacy, and should be distanced from sharing information online (like passport, home addresses, social media credentials etc.) to avoid getting into trouble and crimes like cyberbullying, data haven, etc.    

Children are hesitant to reach out to their parents when they think they created trouble or are already in any sort of digital problem, so parents should be proactive here to create that environment for them to make them feel comfortable. Only if they feel comfortable will be able to report themselves if any question arises or a problem pops up.   

It is essential to educate, empower, and monitor in a healthy way to keep them protected from the potential risks and harms the internet could cause them. And teach them to be kind and compassionate with people they interact with online (via sharing information or befriending online) and offline (when around people).

6. Relationships And Dating 

When children enter into the phase of puberty, there are changes (physical changes and mental changes). We can talk about the physical changes when we see kids growing but what about emotional changes.

Yes, the adolescence phase comes with different and new feelings in children. They are attracted towards another human being, start liking them, and date them. However, what we do not release is how crucial it is to talk about the dating pattern (what is healthy and right, whom to stay away from, etc.).

At present there are unreal and unhealthy dating habits people practice and end up heart broken and emotionally damaged. The tramas they undergo just to keep that status of relationship. Sometimes it is just to fit in the groups and look cool – children make girlfriends and boyfriends. 

So, parents should provide a realistic check first-hand of what is romantic and what is toxic. Where to stay and what to discontinue. 

  • Protecting teens from the possible distractions they may have over their academics and life in general. 
  • Where to set boundaries – if anything takes away your peace, should be stopped and distanced from. 
  • Are even teens ready to be in a relationship or just doing so for the sake of being in one due to peer pressure or surrounding.  

7. Freedom To Explore and Experiment

Parents are very protective of kids when it comes to their lives and career. They want the best for their children in all spheres of life whether education, health, lifestyle, food, career, and happiness. In the entire process of providing they miss on giving them the freedom to explore and experiment with their own lives. 

Exactly, as kids enter into the phase of adolescence, they crave personal space, personal freedom, and self-experiments. As teenagers, they have sprouting brains, budding ideas, and desire to explore different opportunities. Whether training a new extra-curricular, a different sport activity, a new subject, a new learning arena, or just want to explore and see the world of opportunities. 

However, parents become a bit overprotective here and try to constraint them to the path they think is well form them. Would be a better practice if parents can talk it out openly and loudly with them and see if their interest areas are actually aligning with it or not.   

That does not mean letting teens try things on their own rather tell them how responsibilities and freedom are interlinked. If they want freedom and personal space they need to take accountability and learn about the underlined responsibilities attached to that freedom. 

If they both (parents and teens) do not align on the common grounds of interests that could lead to disastrous life afterwards.

8. Bullying and Ragging

Healthy habits and healthy surroundings makes it possible for kids to develop and grow without fear of judgement and taunting. 

Bullying is very much prevalent in schools and amongst peers (particularly if you are shy, new admission, or just moved from another state or area). Where teens could be a subject of harassment and abusive behaviour by their seniors or their peers too. And it could be in the form of mental pressure,verbal, or maybe physical intimidation.

Parents should be  proactive at discussing with their kids and identify if their kids are being bullied or a bully. They must ensure their teens are studying and growing in a healthy environment free from any kind of unnecessary and imposed pressure. 

Some of the basic to focus on are as mentioned- 

Should define how bullying looks and feels like (any kind of unpleasant, unwelcomed, and tormenting behaviour). 

How can kids avoid being bullied and stay away, safe, and protected from bullying. 

If they are experiencing bullying, how to handle it, whom to report to, and how to open about it to the closed one. An open and free way of communication could help here whenever they feel anything close to such behaviour around them.

Parents should create an open communication path and kids should report and tell their parents openly without fear. 

9. Spirituality : Faith and Beliefs   

Our religious beliefs and practices form the base of our value system and how we see the world with kindness and empathy. 

‘There is a universal power looking upon us from the world above us’ – that is common and widely known to all. Your religion may be different but the learnings are similar.r faith, beliefs, and spiritual beliefs may differ too but there is a common thread to be kind, empathetic, down to earth, helpful, and a good human being to the fellow humans. 

Kids and children find it a bit difficult to adjust to understand the difference and peculiarities of different religions – parents should make it smoother for kids to understand these value systems. Along with making them understand also should ensure they practice the derived values as mentioned above. 

Parents find it challenging to teach their children these practices but when they have a good rapport and openness to discuss anything freely then it is the most smooth transition of teaching. Value and beliefs should be the foundation of the lives of children to become responsible citizens for the nation, good humans, and better kids for their parents. 

So, establish a good connection with your children to make sure they have the best life ahead and they are responsible for their actions and deeds they perform. 

10. Stress and Depression

We are aware about the emotional development and change in the thinking process of children. They do not discuss things and thoughts openly – particularly the ones where there is stigma attached to. Like – stress, mental issues, anxiety, and depression. 

These tough topics should be normalized at household talks to make teenagers come to their parents if they feel overwhelmed or over power with their emotions. If a safe and trusted environment is there to let children open up, they admit these strong emotional busts and let their parents charge to assist them in overcoming the same. 

We can’t imagine the internal suffering and emotional battle these kids could be going through if they feel scared and judged before sharing with their parents or guardians. 

A few questions that should be discussed amongst parents and children are as following;

  • What exactly is depression and stress?
  • What all feelings and emotions flow through the surface and internally.
  •  How does depression affect all aspects (academics drop, social isolation, and loss of interest in the things that made them happy once slowly and gradually). 
  • Whom to approach when they have a rush of emotions – parents, trusted friends, guardians, or someone they believe in strongly. 

Let’s involve your children in the conversations revolving around these seriously harming emotional talks. So that children are able to talk to their parents without getting the fear of being judged. 

11. Academics, Studies, And School Expectation

As soon as children enter adolescence, they begin to understand the importance of studies, take academics seriously, and commence setting goals for themselves. At the same parents also start expecting academic excellence from them along with well in other extracurricular activities. 

If these expectations of children and parents are not discussed before setting may cause a huge stressful environment for both. And could turn out to be disastrous for the children. It’s not that children stop putting effort, rather they multiply their input towards their studies. 

However, there should be an open, healthy, and honest discussion before setting these 

expectations in isolation.  

Sit with your children and write down their expectations, match with yours then make a combined goals and forwards towards growth with that mindset.  

Work on the resources required, tutoring needed, adding support required to achieve the academic objectives rather than leaving teens on themselves and take the steps which may not be reversible. Keep appreciating their small milestones and encourage them to keep doing well. They are putting their hundred percent. 

12. Sex and Sexual Activities

 As teens are surrounded with technology and information and content of all sorts available at ease of a click. Whether you see the movies, listen to music, read books, and watch advertisements on the television, everywhere you would see the prevalence of sexual content. 

Hence, it is very important to teach and inform children beforehand about the consequences and outcomes of these sexual activities and the harmful effects of having sex at an early age. How premarital sex is dangerous and could not only cause physical harm but also mental distress to them.

Kids may lose interest in studies, suffer internally and not share with anyone, and may result in serious issues such as stress or depression. 

13. Interests, Hobbies, And Careerh

Parents decide most of  the things for their children’s life keeping their best interest in mind.

However these decisions are made in isolation of the children’s mind – what they want, like their interests, hobbies, and career path, they want to choose in future.

Sometimes parents don’t realize that there children could have different interest than academics 

So, parents should give the children the freedom to explore different options, pursue their hobbies and experiment with different opportunities before finalising their career path for  their kids..

For that there should be open discussion between parents and children to come to common ground for the better interest of their kids. This will lead  to better career choices and a more prosperous life ahead for their children including such harsh yet essential topics at the dinner table.

14. Teen Pregnancy

Teens become reckless with their actions and do not realise what consequences their actions could result into. Parents should be very strict and straightforward with such topics like under age sex and teen pregnancy. 

This can jeopardise social life (isolating from friends and peers), academically affects (due to drop outs at early age), and medical complications. How these sexual activities harm them in the long run and ruin their lives even before they could begin.  

Parents should be very clear about such aspects by setting strict boundaries and liberating them to practice what is best suited for them. As discussed above, parents should provide them with freedom but the teens should be accountable and responsible to have that on themselves and never betray their trust and misuse the freedom given by disappointing their parents. 

Teen pregnancies not only set you back but burden you with unnecessary duties – and destroy your entire life before starting. 

15. Low Self-esteem and Body Image

Self-esteem kills the confidence of children. 

Nowadays children do not think twice before humiliating and taunting someone with harsh words. Commenting on someone’s body, demeaning them by passing words about them, spreading untrue rumors about them, and laughing and giggling by looking at them deteriorates their confidence like a house of cards falling hard in the ground. 

Parents should make sure to keep their kids in confidence to share with parents if any such thing happens to them. An environment to boost their self-esteem everyday, make them feel that they are important, they are loved, and they belong somewhere important. 

In such scenarios children open up and share openly whatever bothers them and then parents are in a position to settle the issue on an urgent basis. 

16. Communication And Safe Space

As they say ‘communication is the best policy to resolve any thing and remain on alignment’. But communication is a two-factor element which has to have both parties involved and take active part in the same.

There should be an established foundation between parents and children to ask questions without hesitation or fear. There should be an openness to bring up concerns, queries, and any sort of feeling they may be going through to address them and make children feel ease of being heard and valued. 

Setting such non-judgemental environment not only addresses the issues and concerns but also assi sts in curing the possibilities of leaving children lost and excluded in the household and may end up hurting them from within. 

So, to encourage children to be active, parents should participate with them to have a strong a  bnd transparent communication thread and provide a safe space for them to feel the en couragement at home and no fear of future mis-understanding. These discussions do not have to be exclusively about academics, studies, school but about everythings and anything like mental health, daily routine, any abrupt question to and silly query. 

Always, be supportive of the issues and questions they bring up to boost their confidence and build trust for the future to let them be open with their parents.

 17.  Stay Connected and Close

As soon as children think they are growing up, they begin distancing from their parents and elders. And children are majorly out of house either for school, friends, or practicing for sports. But the distance between them commence increasing with each passing day. 

So, whatever happens in their lives, parents are least aware about -and the only way to get to know them is when they take a step ahead and share.  

Below are some of the checkpoint or regular catch ups with their children to have a deeper and contact connect;

  • Focus on bonding and connecting by regularly asking them about their days, studies, and some random questions about the day or movies released.
  • Do ask abo0ut their friends and their lives to just engage them more, to make them feel involved, needed, and wanted in their parents lives. 
  • Talk to children as if talking to friends with honesty, respect, and transparency to let them truly open up and discuss things without getting lashed out later.
  • Parents almost drift away from their kids when they enter into adolescence stage – so keep making efforts to keep them close and connected.   

So, stay connected to children even when they are trying to distance to save the parent-kid relationship and create more sense with depth with them. 

18. Setting boundaries and Outcomes

We human beings are emotional creatures and do not know when to say ‘NO’ and set clear boundaries when it comes to toxic and unwelcomed. So, parents should clearly call out what is not healthy, what is not acceptable, and what is not to be welcomed while in conversation with their children from an early age.

Should emphasise on the behavioural issues and risk associated with them in future. There should be clarity in setting boundaries on each kind of action and the consequences linked to them. Parenting is a lifelong responsibility that parents should take seriously and authentically to let their kids have a better and well-ment life ahead. 

Even a study suggests that children whose parents have clear and transparent boundaries set from their parents with complete investment in their lives, those children are likely to have more fulfilling and satisfying lives ahead.  

Do talk out loudly and openly about the expectation from kids on activities like drugs, under-age driving, sexual activities, and inappropriate behavior. Eating habits to exercising, values to virtues talk about these topics without any hesitation. 

Expectations are futile until compared to the consciences and outcomes of those reckless activities. Do let them come with questions around these areas and resolve them without being rude to them. Welcome all questions from children with grace and address them with precision and effectiveness. 

19.  Dealing with Grief 

No parents talk about dealing with hard emotions at an early stage of our lives and when children are encountered suddenly with these heightened and deep emotions they end up broke and shattered.

Now parents should make sure children are aware about grief and whom to reach out if they are overwhelmed with this emotion at any point of time (grief could be of any kind whether from a friend or losing loved ones). Children should at least have an idea how to navigate through such hardships by holding each other and by standing with each other.

Discuss with children how life cycles work and are inevitable no matter how much we love someone and how close someone is. Everyone who has come to the earth has to leave it one day. Take a particular time to discuss such sensitive and highly emotionally hurting topics with children. These can’t be discussed anytime or anywhere given the nature. 

20. Family History and Traditions

Always remember family comes first no matter where you are from and what you do in life. And be proud of the roots you are from and associated with. 

Quite often host events and dinners to share the stories and traditions followed and practiced by their families for generations and how to carry forward the legacy in future. Though it could be a bit difficult to make teenagers understand the same in one go – so try slowly and graduate without overwhelming them with lots of information in a single run. 

Involve family recipes to be cooked, meaningful and chatty conversations to break the ice. Narrate interesting stories, encourage them to ask questions related to their ancestors and last generations.  

Even when teens question the existing traditions, be open to accept the criticism and modify the practices if they add more value given the present time. This strengthens their trust and visibility too – their words matter to their parents and their words are valued at family gatherings. Giving another level of confidence to children. 


Parents and children should have open and honest conversations to have healthy and prosperous relationships. Whether it is academics or pursuing a hobby – parents should be encouraging and appreciative of the activities their kids do. 

Do warm them about the severity and consequences of actions like – drugs, sexual activities, rash driving, etc. Setting boundaries and expectations with each other is also crucial to have long-term health connections and continue to have the same. 

Setting the screen limits the importance of family and traditions – everything should be a part of children’s lives.