Daily Schedule & Activities

SummerTech runs weekly from Sunday to Friday, with options for both overnighters and morning/evening commuters.
Over the years, we’ve fine-tuned our daily camp itinerary to delight campers and accommodate parents. Each day brims with engaging classes and events, promising an unforgettable week-long experience. For your convenience, drop-offs begin at 8 am and you can pick up your child anytime up until 9 pm.


2 pm

Arrival begins!

2:30 pm

Commuting Campers Check-In – Day campers arrive and have some time to game, relax, and meet the other campers.

3 pm

Opening Ceremonies – Meet the staff at our opening ceremony! After some introductions, campers will break off into groups to get to know each other, and parents will have an opportunity to get more information about our camp and ask questions.

3:30 pm

Camp Begins – We’ll start our first class of the week where your instructors will get a sense of your skill level. Love the class you’re in on the first day? Great! Want to switch? No problem!

BONUS TIME! Stay past 6pm for dinner, events, gaming, and more. As a commuter, this is our gift to you.

6 pm

Dinner Social – Dinner on Sunday is always our pizza social. Meet new friends and get to know the staff while you have a delicious meal.

9 pm

Last Commuter Pickup – Day campers head home – see you in the morning!

9:30 pm

Overnight Campers to Dorms – Overnighters go up to the dorms and get a low down on the rules. Then, it’s back to the rooms and off to bed.


8 am

Lab Opens/Early Drop Off – Between 8-9am campers can relax in our labs while everyone arrives.

9–11:30 am

1st and 2nd Classes – Campers pursue their chosen courses with direct support from our staff.

12:00 pm

Lunch – At the cafeteria!

12:30 pm

3rd Class – Campers continue with their main class.

2 pm

Electives – Anything and everything. These are counselor envisioned and executed creative or sporty and sometimes wacky activities where everyone has fun. Counselors create new ones each week, so we enjoy whatever young minds come up with. Old favorites are offered as well. Examples include everything from ‘Introduction to Code’ to ‘Improvisational Comedy.’

3:30-5 pm

Outdoor Recreation Social and physically active time. No screens!

BONUS TIME! Stay late with us for dinner, events, gaming, and a few surprises along the way. As a commuter, this is our gift to you.

5:15 pm

Dinner – At the cafeteria.

6 pm

Evening Social Activities/Gaming – This is when things really get creative and exciting. As day campers say – “Mom and Dad, don’t pick me up early!”

9 pm

Day Campers Are Picked Up (Of course you can get your child anytime before.)

10:00 pm

Overnight Campers go to the dorms. lights out….flashlights on…


7:30 am

Overnight Campers Wake/Breakfast – Campers get a wake up call and head down to the college cafeteria for a delicious breakfast.

8 am

Lab Opens/Early Drop Off – Between 8-9am campers can relax in our labs while everyone arrives.

9 am

First and Second Classes – Kids pursue their chosen courses with direct support from our staff.

11:30 am

Lunch – At the cafeteria

12:30 pm

Wrap Up – Campers save up their work and get ready to finish the week. Animation, and 3D modeling students showcase their work to the camp!

2:00 pm

Closing Ceremony – That’s a wrap! Every camper gets recognized at our closing awards ceremony, and then we close our doors for the weekend.